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EduCUI: The First International Workshop for Conversational User Interfaces in Education

Workshop at the 2024 ACM Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) Conference


The workshop will take place in a half-day session on the first day of CUI 2024, in a hybrid format.

Workshop activities

  • EduCUI Showcase (20 minutes): Organizers will briefly introduce themselves and the aims of the workshop and give a brief presentation of their prior projects in this domain.
  • Build-a-Bot Workshop (80 minutes): Organizers will create small groups of 4-7 attendees each plus one organizer for participation in the design activity. Organizers will provide instructions for the design activity as well as a Miro board to map out the scenario and interface the group will design. Organizers will discuss with their groups any of the design ideas they submitted before the workshop and any showcases that organizers presented. From there, groups will negotiate the scenario and agent they plan to design and preseent in the EduCUI Theatre activity. Organizers will guide discussion to focus on design trade-offs and the need for collaboration with different stakeholders and experts.

  • EduCUI Theatre (80 minutes):After designing scenarios and CUIs in small groups, we will come back together as a whole to discuss the agents and scenarios envisioned by each group. Groups will act out their scenarios, with one group member playing the part of the CUI they designed. All participants will have a chance to ask questions and provide comments, with organizers collecting questions as a first step at describing evaluation criteria for CUIs in education.